Content Management

The content management system ("CMS") in Pyramid plays a central role in the application and appears pervasively throughout the different apps and tools. As a virtual, centralized framework, the CMS is key to letting users create and save their content, share content and re-use content, while also providing system administrators with a framework for versioning, securing and governing content. Since the CMS is fully centralized it also provides the perfect platform for delivering insights from the collective, like most used, most recommended, data lineage, sharing of content and ideas, and more.

  • Click here to see the Content Manager Tutorials Video Library
Content System Framework

The CMS is presented with numerous ways to access and view content; multiple tools for handling and managing content and entry points configuring content security. There are also big differences between the content tools for pro users vs those for viewers. The pro CMS is full with functions, tools and options. The Viewer is less sophisticated with mainly tools for opening content. Another technique for access content is via the application API's - which is useful for custom application design as well as administrative automation.

Administrative Content Functions

Administrative management of content is performed through the same content management toolset. However, admins have more access to security related features and some functions. This includes having the ability to view a user's private content folder and view tenant shared folders (for multi-tenant deployments). The key administrator-centric functionalities in the content manager are:

Any other extra functionality for admins is demarcated and described within each of the topics listed below.

The Content Manager

The main toolset for working with content in the Pro client is the content manager. The content manager includes various views of the content system and a variety of tools for managing and manipulating content. This includes content search and security operations.

The content manager in the pro client also includes an adjunct tool: the "Materialized Data Manager" - which is designed to manage a users databases and data models.

Accessing the Content Manager

You can access this manager from various points in the pro application. The manager itself is presented as a selection of views each with actions and tools (described below).

  • Click here for an overview of the various ways to access the content manager in the pro client.

Content Views

There are several ways to view content in the pro client. All views appear only within the content manager, while others may also appear within the context of each app as well. Each view has a specialized function.

User Centric

  • Explorer - this is the master content view, offering a folder / item interface, that allows users to organize and manage their content.
  • Favorites - this is a listing of all items that the user has flagged as their favorites.
  • Recent - this is a listing of the last 20 items most recently opened or used.

System Centric

  • Most Used - this is a listing of all items that are most used across the system by all users that the current user has access to.
  • User Recommended - this is a listing of all items that are most recommended on the system by all users that the current user has access to.
  • Auto Recommended - this is a listing of all items that the AI-driven suggestion engine has found that match the user's content "taste", based on all usage of content on the system.

Content Search

The content search is a specialized view that allows users to search through the CMS to find content items based on search criteria. The search results then form the basis of a content view with many of the same core capabilities of the other views.

Content Actions and Tools

Depending on which view is used, there are numerous content related actions and tools available for interacting with items, organizing items and / or managing the item and its internal settings.

Content Actions

The general content actions available include obvious things like open and view; copy-paste and cut-paste (or move); export and import; delete; folder management etc. The general actions are mostly common to all content item types and many appear in all views. However, some functions are unique to some content types; come functions behave differently for different content types; and some functions may not be accessible from different views or places in the app.

The only general actions that are not directly included inside the content management views are related to save and print. These functions are presented within each app itself using the common interface (or via the App Tabs).

Content Tools

Unlike general actions, content tools are more advanced capabilities for managing and manipulating content. These tools include wizards and functions like the Structural Analyzer; Data Source Changer; content versioning; content migration; embedding snippets and content lineage. Like general content actions some tools vary by content type and are not accessible from all views.

  • Click here for more details on general content actions and tools.

Content Security

Securing content is a critical and fundamental capability in Pyramid. It allows content to be secured by tenant (or domain), by role or user, by folder and ultimately by item. Given its importance, there are numerous aspects to securing content, which is separate from securing the data itself (data sources, data bases and data models). The content manager and peripheral CMS tools all take security into account in every aspect of their operation.

The main content manager and its views all provide access to role settings where appropriate, for setting who can read content, write or change content and who can manage the security operation itself on content.

  • Click here for more details on how content security works and how to use it.

Other Managers

Materialized Data Manager

The Materialized Data Manager or "MDM" is not a real "content view" like the other views described above. Rather it is a set of end-user tools for viewing and managing data models that the current user has created. Because it is still related to the business of managing content - albeit data - the MDM is grouped in with the content management tools for end users in the pro client. The MDM is a simplified version of the Data Source Manager found in the admin console - which offers a more complete, in-depth functional toolset for managing data, data catalogs and security.

  • Click here for more on the Materialized Data Manager

Personal Schedule and Subscription Manager

The Subscription Manager is not a real content view. Rather it is a set of end-user tools for viewing and managing each user's subscription jobs and their associated schedules. Users will access this feature to manage all their scheduled items for Publications, Data Alerts, Subscriptions and Data Models. This includes the ability to start and stop these items, edit the schedules and delete unwanted schedules from the system.

  • Click here for more on the Schedule and Subscription Manager